Video #41 - Spring Form Radiobuttons and Checkboxes
Video #42 -Service Layer and Spring Autowiring
Video #43 - RequestMapping and PathVariable
Video #44 - Spring Bean Scope
Java Database Integration
(Important video) Spring Boot Part 1
(Important video) Spring Boot Part 2
Video #45 - Spring Roo & Hibernate Intro
Homework - Spring ROO and Hibernate Intro
Video #46 - Integrating Hibernate
Video 47 - Database Terminology and SQL Syntax
Video 48 - More SQL
Video #49 - @OneToMany Hibernate annotation
Video #50 - @ManyToMany
Video #51 - Fetch Type Eager vs Lazy
Final Touches
Video #52 - Adding functionality to our Social Media App
Video #53 - Final Video
Java 8
Lambdas - Part 1
Lambdas - Part 2
Streams - Part 1
Streams - Part II
Optional Keyword
Default Methods
Video #5 - Data Structures
This Java video will cover the topic of Data Structures. After watching this video you will understand what a data structure is, and why they are used in Java.