JavaScript Super Course (Dedicated)

Created By: Trevor Page


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Lessons: 38
Video: 14.0 Hours
You'll learn all about JavaScript and how to create dynamic webpages using HTML and JavaScript in this course
  Supplemental material available for download.
  Videos are downloadable for offline viewing.

  Interact with the teacher and other students.

What's Inside This Offer?

JavaScript Super Course

Variables (24:52)
Control Structures (15:18)
Advanced IF Statements (25:05)
For Loops (18:46)
Advanced For Loops (26:33)
While Loops (27:10)
HTML Tags (14:18)
Creating Your First Webpage (18:30)
Input Tags (22:50)
Input Tags (Part II) (15:06)
Importing Scripts (21:58)
What are Functions? (14:23)
What are Functions? (Part II) (26:57)
String Manipulation (33:05)
IndexOf Function (08:46)
Arrays (Part I) (14:44)
Arrays (Part II) (24:57)
Objects (Part I) (13:35)
Objects (Part II) (13:14)
Objects (Part III) (24:29)
The Prototype (20:05)
Null vs. Undefined (15:57)
Debugging (22:39)
Closures + Encapsulation (30:32)
Closures (Part II) (39:31)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part I) (18:51)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part II) (27:42)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part III) (31:32)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part IV) (21:15)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part V) (20:14)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part VI) (30:38)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part VII) (26:45)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part VIII) (18:50)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part IX) (30:59)
Legend of the Blue Mongoose (Part X) (41:52)

Student Reviews

Johan says:

Great Course  

Excelent way of teaching, it doesn't get boring at any point and force you to do your own research in a few things, which is the best way to learn!

Adrian says:

Not very good  

Trevor could make the course more professional just by adding JSON. Instead we get pretty useless local storage saving. Assignment is little chaotic, no source code avaible and we leave it unfinished Rest of the course is pretty good

Benjamin says:

Wish we had your typed code  

I have been really enjoying the course but wish there were downloads to compare your code with mine. It would help with issues like I am facing now as I build the game and have a "{" that keeps flagging as an unexpected token even though I have all the "{" and "}" matching up.

Nathan Rajkumar says:

A great look into Javascript!  

A fun and insightful way to jump into Javascript. The legend of the Blue Mongoose was a great set of assignments and a fun page to build on after the videos!

Cyn says:

First one that's made complete sense!  

I've done several online courses on Javascript and they're so dry and info overload that it doesn't stick. This one does. The absolute brilliant part is the last half of the course, where Trevor lets you watch "over his shoulder" as he creates a texted-based game from scratch. This brought it all together for me much more than just another lesson. Just super learning experience. Trevor focuses on getting you up to speed in the 20% of what you need to know to do 80% of what you want to do, then demonstrates how to look up more answers. Being able to follow his thinking out loud as he tests out his coding, finds bugs, and fixes them, is solid gold. Highly recommend.

Radim says:

Great, Learned A Lot!!  

I really enjoyed this course.:)

Jonathan Barnett says:


I went through all the videos and at the end didn't feel like I had learned anything very useful. There were a few good points, but nothing that couldn't have easily been googled for how to do something. Trevor needs to improve on preparing what he's going to teach. It seem liked half of the videos were spent on him rambling on about what he wanted to teach/going on random tangents/trying to figure out what he wanted to do. If he would have prepared a lesson plan I think this series could have been improved upon.

savageMVC says:


gr8 course!!

gustavo rodrigues dos santos says:


you have made a great work and fantastic videos and tutoriais

ramesh patel says:

Too Dated  

Hi Trevor, This course needs to be updated from Angular 1. Because later Angular versions are completely different. Thanks, Ramesh

Leonar says:

Didn't know that I didn't know JavaScript  

This course will take you to a higher level in the language and techniques of JavaScript. Although I had previous coded in JavaScript before this course educated me on aspects of the language that I was struggling with or simple did not know. Excellent course for beginners and a very well refresher to those with experience.

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